Friday, July 20, 2018


In- laws and Extended Family oh my……

Talking about the in-laws can be a very touchy topic when it comes to couples.
I have two sister in-laws that really do not want anything to do with my family. One sister in law does not even have pictures of our family up in her house. This might seem like nothing to some. 

However, this is big in my family since both of my brother’s live on the East Coast. My parents try to go out to visit them at least once a year. However, the rest of us do not make it out there. My niece and nephews do not know who the “California family is.”  My sister in laws say we do not know how to do things and my family is very back woods kind of people. It is so bad that my sister in laws have not be to visit us in over 5 plus years. My brothers have to do everything the way that their wives families do them. Which is sad because some of my family’s traditions are not able to be celebrated.

My parents have tried very hard to not give counsel or step in. However, watching this makes me think about how I am handling my in laws. Sometimes I feel like I am going out of my way to make my in laws happy and forget about my own family. Man this is a hard road to walk on.

I love the counsel that is given to newlywed and their parents…. Let the couple be a couple. It is important that you see and interact with your in-laws. However, it is also important to focus on your marriage and how to build it up.

Friday, July 13, 2018

Like any relationship once the honeymoon phase is over, we do not tend to see our partner with our rose colored glasses on anymore. Which is fine. It is normal that we and our partners are not perfect as we might have thought.   

 Image result for no i in team

After marriage it seems very common that as a couple we forget to focus on our relationships in growing closer together.   In order to have a successful marriage we need to have a partnership and work as a team.  You know the saying, there is no “I” in TEAM.  My 16 year old has been playing sports since he was 4 years old. We talk a lot about Teams. In football last year my son’s team was slated to go to state. The team had a lot of talent. It was fun to watch them play. However, everyone (the coaches, parents, the other teams) stared to notice how our team was good but it was all about each individual person. My son was complaining about it. I told him in life you are only as strong as the weakest person in the setting. Needless to say we did not go to state, we barely made it to playoffs. Which was so heart breaking? However, lesson learned is that just like sports, people need to work on communicating in their marriage or relationships. When I was married my husband instead of talking through our problems we had would run to his mom to help him out.  This was very frustrating because we were not able to work on our partnership.  It is important that each person in the relationship feels comfortable with expressing how they feel. I am not perfect at this at all. I have struggled with it my whole life. However, I know it is important to communicate and rely on each other.
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“Start them young” is a great saying. Elder Ballard suggest that councils are not only for church but also something that we can use in our homes. I think this is great. Again, I am not perfect at this. For a long time it has just been my son and I. We would talk to one another about issues that we felt we could work on. We did not formally call it family council. It is super important for our children to know how to communicate especially if things aren’t going the right way. When we council we can learn from one another and also lift another’s burdens. .  Elder Ballard said, “Inviting the Spirit of the Lord to be part of your family council brings blessings beyond description.”

Friday, July 6, 2018

Image result for Fidelity and Physical Intimacy
Fidelity and Physical Intimacy is a topic that people with in the LDS community and outside tend to stay away from.  However, this is a very important topic for any marriage.
Elder Richard G. Scott said, “within the enduring covenant of marriage, the Lord permits husband and wife the expression of the sacred procreative powers in all their loveliness and beauty within the bounds He has set. One purpose of this private, sacred, intimate experience is to provide the physical bodies for the spirits Father in Heaven wants to experience mortality. Another reason for these powerful and beautiful feelings of love is to bind husband and wife together in loyalty, fidelity, considerations of each other, and common purpose.”
When you think of fidelity, what comes to mind?
I know that I would defined it as becoming in a emotional relationship with someone other than your partner. In “Fidelity in Marriage: It’s More Than you Think,” states: “Fidelity includes refraining from physical contact—but that is not all. Fidelity also means complete commitment, trust, and respect between husband and wife. Inappropriate interactions with another person can erode fidelity… Emotional infidelity, which occurs when emotions and thoughts are focused on someone other than a spouse, is an insidious threat that can weaken the trust between a couple and shatter peace of mind.”
Image result for Fidelity and Physical Intimacy
When we choose to become closer to someone other than our spouse it is a form of cheating.  If you find yourself making excuses about any kind of relationships than you might want to rethink it.
I have a co-worker whose wife has asked him to stop hanging out with another woman even though it is work related and they are good friends. If your partner does not feel comfortable with who you are hanging out with than maybe you should tell the friend goodbye.
In the same talk it states: “Stop thinking in terms of emotional infidelity and instead use the phrase, “spiritual fidelity.” This phrase underscores the seriousness of the choices we make because it recognizes the eternal potential of our marital relationships as well as the importance of acting in accordance with the promptings of the Holy Ghost. Spiritual fidelity also causes us to consider the sacred covenants we have made in the temple and how the very nature of our thoughts and deeds can undermine those covenants. In other words, if a person is unfaithful spiritually he is not honoring his temple covenants even though he has not committed physical acts of intimacy.”  This talk is very good at making thinks very clear, everyone should read it.
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In today’s world we are told it is ok to be physical with someone before we are married.  However, this can and could lead to things that someone might not be wanting. Plus, children might be born without having a mom and dad in the home. God said physical attraction is something that needs to be between a man and women in the bonds of marriage.
President Spencer W. Kimball said, “Sex is for procreation and expression of love. It is the destiny of men and women to join together to make eternal family units. In the context of lawful marriage, the intimacy of sexual relations is right and divinely approved. There is nothing unholy or degrading about sexuality in itself, for by that means men and women join in a process of creation and in an expression of love.”

Physical attraction is becoming up a little bit more in conversation in the LDS church. However, I still think it is not talked about enough.  I know as a youth I felt that physical attraction is a bad thing.  However, it is not that way if it is done in the correct time and with the correct person. It is important to make sure that we understand what physical attraction is and that it is a good thing for a marriage.

Image result for Fidelity and Physical Intimacy

Friday, June 29, 2018

Lessons Learned.....

Gottman’s book had a lot of really good information. The one thing that stood out the most to me is how important it is to communicate. There are many different ways to communicate, for example, body language, eyes, tones of your voice and how you say the words.
I am very guilty of having bad communication, especially if the conversation is not going the way I want it to. While reading Gottman’s book I was able to see how my communications style affects my different relationships with my family, friends and coworkers.
While talking with others that I or you do not agree with it is very important to listen to what the person is saying and not trying to think about what you are going to say next. I am not sure if this is human nature or not. I find myself doing this a lot. It is a very bad habit that is going to take a long time to try to break.
Another one that I am very guilt of is giving the cold shoulder when I am mad. I have learned that this does not help with anything. It only makes me mad and doesn’t help resolve the issue at hand.
Gottman’s has a lot of great information for not just couples but for anyone to learn from. If you can apply one of his ideas into your life, your relationships will be stronger and better off in the long run.

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Managing Conflict Consecrating Ourselves

Managing conflict in a marriage or any relationship is an essential talent to learn. This last Sunday I woke up mad at the world. There wasn’t anything anyone had done or said. Have you ever had that kind of day?

In a relationship that is a recipe for danger. Lynn Robbins stated, “A cunning part of (Satan’s) strategy is to dissociate anger from agency, making us believe that we are victims of an emotion that we cannot control” (General Conference April 1998). I had to laugh when I read that statement because if I had a nickel for every time one of my kids has told me it is not my fault I cannot control when I get mad.” I would have loved to use that excuse Sunday. However, the truth is we can control when we get upset and when we do not. We choose. When you are at church, and a leader makes you mad, do you yell at them or do you control your temper until later?

Elder Robbins went on to say “Understanding the connection between agency and anger is the first step in eliminating it from our lives.”  If you do get, angry Dr. Gottman gives seven step to help soothe the anger.

  1. Complain but don’t blame
  2. Make “I” statements instead of “you.
  3. Describe what is happening. Don’t evalvate or judge
  4. Be clear about your positive need
  5. Be polite
  6. Be appreciative
  7. Don’t store things up.

If you are anything like me when I am mad, it is NEVER my fault. My poor husband hears everything he has ever done wrong. All that ever does is make for a miserable home for a bit.

Getting upset is ok. How one handle being upset is the key. Again Dr. Gottman has some steps to handle conflict.

  1. Soften your- startup
  2. Learn to make and receive repair attempts
  3. Soothe yourself and each other
  4. Compromise
  5. Process any grievances so that they do not linger.

The next thing to remember is Forgiveness. Elder James E. Faust stated: If we can find forgiveness in our hearts for those who have caused us hurt and injury, we will rise to a higher level of self-esteem and well-being (General Conference April 2007). Going back to Sunday when I took a time out and tried to figure out what I was so upset about. It came down to I was upset because of the pain someone had caused. I thought I had forgiven them. However, I had not. I needed to go before my Savior and ask him to help soften my heart and see them as he sees them. As I turn to my Savior for help with forgiveness peace enters my heart and my home and marriage.

Friday, June 15, 2018


Pride is one of those things that I feel that a person walks a fine line on. A person needs to take pride in work, school and even their family. However, we should not be boastful.

When you interview for a job you should be boastful even though we are taught not to be. However, in society more and more people are becoming very prideful with themselves.

I really liked how President Ezra Taft Benson states in his talk “Beware of Pride:” “Pride is a very misunderstood sin… most of us think of pride as self-centeredness, conceit, boastfulness, arrogance, or haughtiness. All of these are elements of the sin, but the heart, or core, is still missing…. The central feature of pride is enmity….Enmity means ‘hatred toward, hostility to, or state of opposition.’”

In our relationships we need to make sure that we do not hold enmity or being prideful towards others. I know this is super hard. I have a brother in law who has not treated my sister or his children very well. I hold a lot of hate towards him. Which is not good. I have to check myself and ask who I am to judge another.

Within this last year I have tried to make it a goal to not be prideful towards other. I found myself judging others for silly mistakes that I have done myself. Would I admit it to them no? However, I found that I was not a happy person and that was bugging me.

I am so thankful for this change of heart. I have seen how it has imporved my relationships with my family and others. I have found myself thinking how can I help that person overcome what they are doing that might be bugging me or finding out why they are doing what they are doing that is bugging me.

Friday, June 8, 2018

Love One Another.

Being in any kind of relationship is hard work. Relationships take time and effort on everyone in the relationship. TV and the movies make relationships look like they do not take any effort at all to keep them together.

I have had many different kinds of relationships in my life. The first kind is the relationship that I put all the effort into. The next kind is that I did not put any kind of effort into the relationship at all, I call this my check out mode. The last kind is where it is a partnership that I worked just as hard as my partner in crime.

Out of the three kind of relationships the best kind was the last one, where we are both working together to keep our relationship going. The Prophets and General Authorities have asked us to continue to date one another to fall in love with one another again and again.

One thing I have notice, maybe it comes with age, is that I would rather spend time making memories and not spending tons of money on a gift. One year with my partner’s birthday. I was able to get different pictures of him throughout his life. I picked out the same amount of pictures for his age and hung them from a balloons in his house. When he came home he was shocked and loved them. He still talks about that birthday gift.
My partner is not a romantic kind of person at all, which is a real struggle for me. However, when he goes out of his way to make sure that I am happy it means the world to me. For example knowing that my oil in my car needs to be changed. He will come by my work and pick my car up to take it in. This is big for me since I am always on the go and don’t have time for something like this.

I know that most of this stuff might seem small and simple to some. But to me it is big.